Favourite Nature Locations; 1. Cairns/Atherton Tableland, North Queensland, AUSTRALIA

Again apologies that this is not Malaysian nature; it is the quiet season here and I usually go to Australia for their spring in October/November....I recommend it. I have done nature photography in various parts of Australia but I have a strong affinity for the Cairns/Atherton Tableland area. I have been for 4 trips there over the last 12 years and each time find some hidden gems. It is suitable for each of three types of nature photography. I have my own definition for the three types of nature photography; 1. Shooting as many ‘birds on sticks’ as possible 2. Documentary photography. Where you make a story about one species or one area. 3. Competition photography; this ranges from club competitions to international salons to BBC wildlife-type high end prestigious events. All these interests are served by the Cairns/Atherton Tableland area….the main advantage of this location is the number of d...