Common Flameback Woodpecker nesting behaviour

The Common Flameback or Common Goldenback ( Dinopium Javanense ) is a medium-sized, golden-backed woodpecker with long and solid black irregular lines on the head and neck . Both sexes have black eye-stripes joined to a black rear neck stripe. The male has a red crown and the female a black crown. Each sex has black-scaled underparts and a red rump with a black tail. The bill is smallish and the bird has only three toes. The male Common Flameback Woodpecker Female Common Flameback Woodpecke r The species ranges through Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Locally the natural habitats are subtropical to dry forests, lowland moist forests or tropical mangrove forests. The male Flameback at the Singapore nest in 2007 I first came across the species in Singapore and one male liked to look at himself in the mirror of our parked car. I photographed one nest in 2006 in broken forest territo...