No segregation here; A long-tailed Macaque has joined a troupe of Dusky Langurs for the last 2 years.
My wife and I live in an apartment on Penang island overlooking the Strait of Malacca on one side and surrounded by forest trees on the other sides. Drone shot showing the forest surrounding our condominium. The forested slopes of Pearl Hill host a number of species of native animals including troupes of Dusky Langurs, foraging Long-tailed Macaques, Black Giant Squirrel sand the much smaller Plantain squirrels. There are a number of troupes of 15-25 individuals on Pearl Hill and they appear to keep to a defined territory. For the last 3 years I have followed the local troupe when they come into view while foraging or making for their sleeping trees in the evening. Long-tailed Macaque Black Giant Squirrel Plantain Squirrel Long-tailed Macaques are opportunist eaters and will rob bins and eat what they can find. Long-tailed Macaques are also called Crab-eating Macaques and were confined mainly to coastal regions but with humans and their relaxed handling of food i...