
Showing posts from March, 2022

The White-bellied Sea Eagles of northern Penang Island, Malaysia

Introduction The White-bellied Sea Eagle is a large diurnal bird of prey that breeds and hunts near water, with fish forming the majority of its diet. The adult bird has a white head, rump and underparts, and dark or slate-grey back and wings. In flight, the black flight feathers on the wings are easily seen when the bird is viewed from below. The large, hooked bill is a leaden blue-grey with a darker tip, and the eyes are dark brown. The legs and feet are yellow or grey, with long black talons. Like many raptors, the female is slightly larger than the male. Immature birds have brown plumage, which is gradually replaced by white over 5-6 years until the adult plumage is obtained.The lifespan is 20 years and the adults weigh 1.8-4.5kg and are 66-90cm in length. The wingspan is 1.9 to 2.2 metres. The mature juveniles are a similar size to the adults. Adult Juvenile Mature juveniles from below Juvenile from above Adult from below Adult with a fish Juvenile from below Distribution White-be...

Dusky Langurs; A primate with personality and a candidate to be Malaysia's National Animal

  This is intended to be mainly a photographic essay detailing the personality of the Dusky Langur species. I have written previous blogs examining the species and why the babies are orange. This species is almost exclusive to Malaysia with a slight spillover into Thailand and Myanmar. The current National animal is the Malayan Tiger, which is not a particularly  unique species and various Malaysians have done their best to exterminate it from the country. The Dusky Langur is heading in the same direction......all I am saying is embrace this novel species and preserve it for posterity. Here is a visual look at the primate with personality. Infant support Prankster Automobile assessor Sun worshipper Lover Comforter Mother Voyeur Lumberjack Safety inspector Motion detector Comedian Joke teller Parkour proponent Fruit merchant Child minder High jumper Paint tester Tightrope walker Meeting organizer Swinger Astronomer David Attenborough equivalent Proctologist Electrical engi...