Greater Racket-tailed Drongos associating with Dusky Langurs

The apparently odd relationship Drongos Drongos and especially Racket-tailed Drongos have been called, thugs, thieves and tricksters or are they just vocally gifted and very intelligent. Fork-tailed Drongo Greater Racket-tailed Drongo The drongos are a family, Dicruridae , of birds of the Old World tropics. The 29 species in the family are placed in a single genus Dicrurus . Drongos are mostly black or dark grey, short-legged birds, with an upright stance when perched. They have forked tails and some have elaborate tail decorations. They feed on insects which they catch in flight or on the ground. Some species are accomplished mimics and have a variety of alarm calls, to which other birds and animals often respond. There is evidence that they utter hoax alarm calls that typically scare other animals off food, which the drongo then eats. This phenomena is a matter of interest to re...