REPRODUCTION Both male and female Dusky Langurs are sexually mature between 3 to 4 years of age. Females have a menstrual cycle lasting approximately three weeks. Oestrus is often accompanied by a swelling of the genitalia. Breeding can occur throughout the year, however most births occur between January and March. The gestation period is 145 days and the interval between births is around 2 years. For the first weeks the infant langur is breast-fed every 90 minutes by its mother. She has assistance from other females in the first weeks to do other chores. Newborn Dusky Langurs have bright orange fur with pink skin. The orange fur begins to she the second week after birth. At around three weeks, black-greyish hair starts to appear on the forehead, tail and limbs. By the forth month the head and back are black-grey with only the cheeks showing traces of orange. After six months the entire body is light black-grey which grows darker with age. The second layer of white fluffy hair starts g...