What are the odds

Natural history photographers strive for that cutting-edge image that is unique and shows a phenomenon from the natural world most of us never see. Such an image sets that brief moment in time ... forever. To get such a unique image many elements have to come together at the same time. I want to illustrate how difficult this image consolidation is. I will use two images, interestingly taken about 50 metres but several years apart. One of the things I look for when walking and observing is potential nesting holes and clear perches. If these become active the chances of getting a good action shot increases but it must be remembered the welfare of the bird is always paramount and they should never be put at risk. In the first image it is the time of the year when cavity-nesters looks for a suitable tree hole to raise a family, their principle mission in life. The players in Image 1 Laced Woodpecker Lineated Barbet I had noted seve...