Nature photography locations near Penang: Juru and Batu Kawan

Juru GPS Location: N 05 18.831 E 100 24.732 Location of Juru, Batu Kawan and Byram Local fishing fleet at Juru Juru, Batu Kawan and Byram are mainland Penang locations that face Penang island. They are accessed from Penang Island via consecutive off-roads along the North-South Highway with Juru being the first in line on the Southern drive. The shooting territory at Juru consists of a reasonably wide road that runs parallel to a mangrove forest that is interspersed with inlets hosting a local fishing fleets. Segments of the road abut the forest directly while others have a tidal ‘ditch’ in between the road and the forest. The road runs North and South so the morning sun lights the forest well. Discerning nature ph...