Nature Photography; the funny side

Nature photographers sometimes take themselves too seriously and miss the funny side while striving for photographic perfection. Here are some funny images accumulated over the last 15 years.

Only one is photoshopped

Wicked pleasure

Voyeuristic Giraffe

Take me to your leader

How to wake your sister in the morning

Outsourced seatbelt checks

I have caught what?

Take-away meal

Watching too much football and baseball on TV

When the kids are at school

Wife to husband 10 cars back 'George run ahead and sort out the cause of the jam'

Young Winston developed a taste for Cuban Cigars


The two (one and a half) Tenors

 Indecent proposal

The wedding

A year later

My boyfriend is from Australia

Damn...missed that dragonfly again

Building biceps

Chinese whispers

The post-coital cigarette

On your marks

.....and stay away from my wife

Beak envy

Need coffee


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